Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Reunion

This weekend we had a family reunion for Sean's Mom's side of the family.- THE PALMERS- We had such a great time! First of all Moab is one of our favorite vacation spots and it was sure beautiful. Don, my mother in laws brother in law (did you caught that) has a piece of mountain land out of just out of Moab, it was the perfect place to have our reunion. We rented a trailer to camp in and it was just perfect! It was great to get to know some people I have never met before and it is always fun to get to know your family better. The first night we arrived in just enough time to put our trailer together and sit out by the camp fire and enjoy those amazing stars that we don't get to see in the city! On Friday we went to Arches, and hiked a little and took in all of the amazing creations God has made.
Then we went to the sand dune across from Arches where we filled the car, our shoes and everything else with  sand!
That night we had a talent show, and camp fire, and told stories, ate mom's yummy M&M pop corn, and wrestled kids to bed! We really had a great time, and how interesting to go learn at church today of righteous family traditions and how it is important to have family reunions to teach our children and to pass on our beliefs! Thanks Mom for all you did for the reunion, it was a great hit!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Yea for red dirt reunions! Looks like it was a blast! Hey, when are we all going to Lake Powell again?