Tuesday, September 23, 2008

#4 on the way!

Ya, I know you just might call me the baby factory! But just so you all know #4 is on the way! Sunni- you were so right! Well after 3 negative pregnancy tests- there was a positive. I now wait a little bit longer to tell since the miscarriage, but there was no keeping this one a secret. Funny how it all works. After some complications this weekend I am feeling much better! So that is the big news!! My Mom and Dad came into town over the weekend and I loved it! They are always so good to us! I drove down to Yuma with them so they could do an inspection of the Yuma Kneaders, and the kids and I had such a great time at Aunt Linda's house! We just floated around in her pool for hours. She has her patio umbrellas so perfectly  placed that as the sun moved we had shade in the pool and just loved it! Then we had some great fish tacos from a little shack there- YUMMY! Saturday my Dad flew home, but Mom stayed till Sunday.  We always have such a great time together even if it's in the ER! 


Anonymous said...

Wahoo!I'm so excited for yall! Let me know if I can help with anything!!

Randi said...

I'm so excited for you. 4 is a great number.
How are you feeling?

Becca Sharp said...

Wow, Amy! That's awesome!!! Congrats. I'm just starting to learn that being a mother is the greatest thing in the world. You should check out our family blog at jakenbec.blogspot.com. We're way behind on putting pictures on there, but it's a start. Alexia is almost two months old now and she has stolen our hearts! Can't wait to hear updates on you and the pregnancy. Keep us posted! Love ya!

Josh and Emily said...

Congratulations Amy! That is so exciting. I am glad that you are liking being in Arizona. It is so fun that we can still stay updated on your lives. Good luck with everything!

P.S. I miss you being on Good Things Utah, the food portion is just boring now:)

Christy Matthews said...

Wow! You are wonder woman! Congratulations! I hope you are feeling well! I would love to come and get some AZ sun--we are seeing much less of it these days. Should snow sometime this week--so we're trying to gear up for that! Miss ya! Love ya!

Tami Vincent said...

I just have to say I so admire you Amy, 4 kids, and I think just 2 is hard. Congrats, If anyone can do it you can. Love ya cant wait to visit. So I guess no running in any 5k anytime soon. Oh well!

Sunni said...

I knew it! Zimmie needs a little sister, and Andrew is just waaaay to good of a baby! Thats soo exciting!!! I know you said you'd be done with 4, so if there happens to be 2 in there I'll gladly take one ;) By the way, does Yuma Kneaders know about the special pregnancy sandwich?

riles said...

YES I know there is a lot of comments on here but let's be honest I'm the MOST excited about this news! Honestly I am so glad you hopped on board the baby train so my little one has at least one cousin close in age. If my memory serves me right it was 3 boys and 1 girl right? Tell Zim not to get her hopes up for a sister hahaha love you guys and miss you much!

somebodysmom said...

What a lucky baby to have you for a Mom.