Thursday, August 14, 2008

Learning about Arizona

The super LOUD buzzing bug is a Cicada. And the male bugs buzz like crazy in the hottest time of the year and hottest time of the day. Thank heavens I have only heard them and not seen one, because I think I would flip! 
Did you know that Phoenix is the 5th largest city in the US! I had the opportunity to get lost yesterday (I even had a GPS telling me where to go) I dropped Sean at the airport to fly back to Utah to drive his car and the last of our stuff down. And the best part was the David had to pee so bad he couldn't wait he was going to explode! So we had our first pee in a cup situation on our hands! I vowed I would never let my kids pee in a cup, but lost in the 5th largest city in the US and having no idea where would be a safe place to stop.... and all of a sudden we have peeing in a cup.
(I am laughing my head off while I write this)

 I found Super Target, and the Mall yesterday! We even ventured into both- HELLO WHY HAVE I LIVED IN UTAH SO LONG! There were actually tons of cute clothes at the Mall- WAHOO! Great shopping!! I swear I am the only person that has kids here! When we were at Target I saw 4 other children. In Utah there would be something seriously wrong with only 6 kids total in Super Target. There are usually enough kids throwing huge fits that it makes my kids look like ANGELS, but they were the loudest, most talkative, children in the store. They were extremely well behaved, but I was stressed out because no one else was making any noise-except for the low hum of oxygen tanks. Next time I will just have them race all the old people in the electric carts, because there were plenty of them! Cheap good old fashion entertainment! 


Christy Matthews said...

I am laughing my head off too! You are hilarious! Have a wonderful sun-shinning tigger sort of day! Love ya!

I always get the craziest word verifications in your comment area. I think some non-dyslexic person is getting a hoot out of making me enter their psycho codes 3 times to post. AAARRRRGHHHH!

Randi said...

I'm hoping you at least took the lid and straw out before the cup peeing started!

And Super Target is a great find. Maybe even more exciting than a scorpion.

( Oh! I agree with Christy on the word verification thing. I mean, seriously, my word is nggheeh)

Anonymous said...

Haha. That bug would freak me out too! For sure not the most cuddly looking bug I've ever seen.

And that pee thing must be a Peterson thing... cause I have some FUNNY stories that I can't post on here. Haha. Let's hope I don't get in trouble for even writing that on here.

Maybe I'll just fly out and go shopping with you! =)

WE miss yall!

somebodysmom said...

I'll have to get some practice on that cart racing so when I come to town David and I can some fun. Oh dear, where will I find those carts in Utah.