Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Yummy Cookin!

Well, here is a picture of my favorite place in our house here in Arizona! I just love my kitchen!! There is definitely some yummy cookin going on here. As I completely finish rooms I'll take picture for you all!
I attended my first IWFC committee meeting this morning. It is the "club" for wives (spouses) of Thunderbird Students. I was feeling frustrated with communication with the wives of students, so now that's what I'm doing. You know, I can't sit still for too long anyway! I have met some friends one from Washington State, one from Chile, and one from Japan (her husband is a Mustang as well)

Ok- our church callings are not a "secret" anymore, but I am going to make you all guess! Oh- what fun this will be!  I wont make you guess alright- Sean is working with the YM as the Priest Advisor and I am the Ward Music Chairperson. Here we go right in to it all!


Randi said...

Your kitchen looks amazing. I love that you already have your pumpkins out!! Fall is definitely my favorite.

And yea for church callings. Looks like you're going to be pretty busy.

Christy Matthews said...

Your kitchen is GEORGOUS!!!! I can't believe you have granite counter-tops--can you tell I am jealous! And, what perfect callings for you guys! I know you will make a real impact wherever you are--but, those are the two areas every ward we have been in all over the U.S. really needs help! Let us know how things go with that!

Tam said...

I'm still amazed that you'd lived here all of what - 7 days and you had your house totally put together! You are amazing!

Christy Matthews said...

to stop the crazy word verification thingy, go to customize, choose settings and then go to comments and turn off the word verification. YEAH!!!! turn it off, turn it off, turn it off! No more Yakeggs right!