Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Looking for Happiness- Caution Heavy Thinking!

As I was searching for a little inspiration for something to blog about, I ran across an interesting blog at listed a bunch of Mormon Moms blogs. I started down the list, just to take a peak at the topics and get some ideas. I noticed a resounding similarity between all the blogs. They were searching for something! Searching for HAPPINESS! It is amazing to me that we have the ability to have "the most" happiness, but it seems like Mormon Moms are always searching! Why is that? We of all mothers know how important our job is, we know the importance of teaching our children, we know the importance of keep our marriages strong, fun, and going, we know that our job is the single most rewarding, important, needed job in this world, yet we turn everywhere else to "find" ourselves. Why? 

One of my favorite quotes is "People are just about as happy as they make their mind up to be." I know this is true, I also know how hard it is to "find" yourself. I know that this life is to find HAPPINESS- I know that happiness just doesn't come, it is WORKED for! Searching the scriptures, praying, family prayer, family home evening, couple scripture time, going to church, it seems like these were all so important and more closely followed in the church when I was a child. Are our families are getting too busy for these? The church as never strayed from these important principles, and I know that they bring happiness into a home. 

Finding self is one of the most challenging feats in this life, especially with 3 kids hanging all over you, but it will be one of the most rewarding in the end. Have you "found" self? Are you happy? Do you love where your life is going? Does you life need a facelift? - I think we could ask ourselves once a year, just remind us about who we are, and where we want to go. 

I am a daughter of God, he has given me so many gifts, he has also given me the gift of seeing happiness, I am so blessed to be married to an amazing strong husband who loves the Lord with all of his heart, and who LOVES me incredibly, he loves every part of me, I am so happy to be a mother to great, kind, adorable kids, who bring so much growth and happiness into MY life. We are blessed in incredible ways! We just have to remember ALL of them! 


somebodysmom said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

We miss yall! We need to plan something...maybe I'll come out and watch the twilight movie with you! =) and are yall coming down for the holidays?

Sunni said...

Your my hero Amy. Whenever I'm looking to be inspired I know I can count on you. You have an amazing attitude and outlook on life. I just love ya!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! You know what I'm talking about too!