Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bumps and Bruises!

Oh my poor A., he has bumps and bruises all over the place! In fact I feel like I am taking my battered child into public every time we are out. Now, I don't remember my other two being so bruised at this crawling, pulling up stage. But A is a little different, he just can't crawl he need to climb crawl- meaning instead of going around, he is right up and over- the bean bag, the foot rest on the coffee table, piles of clean laundry, his brother, mom, you get the picture! Man I feel so bad for his little head. Oh, and it doesn't help that his brother and sister decided to help him "learn" how to go down the stairs (they did do a pretty good job) but bonking his head on the end of each stair- they didn't get too far till mom can to the rescue. I told my mom that he might need a helmet to run around in. I guess it's all part of growing up- in fact I remember one time when D. ran full speed into the middle of the wall. Now, that's hilarious! 


Tam said...

I tell ya, its all the damn tile they have here in AZ (well, either that or the fact that they've got 2 older siblings to "help"). I am so sorry! We're in the same boat w/ the kids looking like they've been beat on. I guess its better that they LOOK like they've been beat rather than those kids that really HAVE been beat. Tae's soccer coach spanked her kids butt the first day of practice. Thats one way to introduce yourself to the other parents!

Randi said...

That's a pretty funny mental picture.
Come to think of it, the helmet might be a good idea!

somebodysmom said...

Sweet Drew. I is such a good baby.

Christy Matthews said...

My friend Heather actually made a helmet for one of her kids who seemed very top heavy. She used a thick padded ski hat--I am not sure if that would work but, I guess that's just the Alaska coming out in me! Good Luck!

Sunni said...

Poor little Andrew! Trace was my baby with all the bumps and bruises. To this day he is the one with the most battle wounds. Forget the helmet, and start praying that he's not going to be as wild as Trace!

Brynn said...

Congratulations! Mom told me to check out your blog (Single mom of four I haven't been keeping up on this blogging thing) I'm so excited for you. You are such a good mom. I have to go get our cars registered here in Texas. I was reading today about what I have to do. We have to get our car inspected first, then we have to have current insurance from Texas which we switched over today. We have to have proof of taxes we paid when we bought our car and registered in Ohio. Then we have to get a new license and pay all the fees. I have only done this four other times. At least I don't have to take a driver's license test. We had to in Ohio. I had to wait for Jarom to get here because our cars are also in his name. It will be nice when all our address changes, registrations and licenses are all up to date. One of the joys of moving. Hope you are enjoying Arizona. It was fun to see you this summer. My kids had so much fun playing with your kids. Love ya Kristy