Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We had such a fun Halloween this year! (click on the picture and you will see how much fun K-girl is having!)

Our traditional Halloween Dinner "Eyeball" Tacos! This year we even had a little witches brew! You never knew witches brew came in a shiny sliver pot did you!!

A, really LOVED all the "food"!! It was worth putting on the costume and saying "treat treat!" He really didn't like the scary masks people had on! (Either did I) One little melt down and my sisters house-- but then we got it figured out!

Z, had a great preschool party!! And loved getting all dressed and curled up!

D, was a great white shark-- that's about as scary as it gets around here!

K, really could care less about everything, she got a great nap, and got to be carried around all day, pretty good day for a baby!!


Randi said...

What cute kids!! Baby K is adorable, and will one day laugh and laugh about that picture!

so cute!

beckers said...

So cute!! And love the tacos...what a great idea!

Jacob and Rebecca Sharp said...

What cute kids, Amy! Lexi was a bee when she was a baby last year, too! So fun!

You look amazing, by the way - I love your new picture on the top of your blog. Such a great family photo!

Sunni said...

Hello Mrs. Fabulous! How do you do it all? Love the kids, great dinner, and all the smiles!