Monday, April 19, 2010

Michael Buble

All I can say is Michael Buble's concert was AMAZING!! We must have been quite the show ourselves. I convinced my sister-in-law to come with me (she was 9 months pregnant and delivered her baby a week after the concert) and then there was me shaking it, and singing. I decided the lights are off, no one can see you (or cant see you clearly enough to make an accurate assumption that it really is YOU dancing and acting crazy!) Anyway, I had a BLAST, what a fun night off, and Michael Buble can SING!! Thanks Dani for going with me! Here a the only really bad picture I took (I've got to get better at taking pictures, too much dancing, not enough pictures!)

1 comment:

Becca Sharp said...

Wow, your sister-in-law went that close to delivering?!? There's hope for me then. I've got tickets to a concert on June 23rd. I'm due July 13th. I'm scared of being way uncomfy, and having contractions during the concert and such. But, if she can do it that late, I can too! I can't NOT GO!!! :-D