Friday, April 26, 2019

Elbow Grease

Feeling frustrated and honestly like I was drowning,  I quickly grabbed my dry erase maker and with big bold letters wrote "It Always Seems Impossible Until It's Done" a quote by Nelson Mandela. Did I really believe that I was capable of doing what needed to be done? I was feeling entirely inadequate, all those regular human feelings. It was one of those fake outs, right? You know. If you tell yourself you can do it then surprise you can! My mom alway says, "If you work hard enough, you can solve almost any problem."

Determined not to drown, I worked. Regardless of others unwillingness to change, regardless of the outside forces that I could not control, regardless of the insecurities, regardless... regardless... regardless. I showed up everyday!

 My husband recently asked what were the six greatest moments in my life.

Well, since I have four children....
1.  Baby #1
2.  Baby #2
3.  Baby #3
4.  Baby #4
Becoming a Mom changed me! Every time they put my sweet new baby in my arms I learned to love more than I ever imagined. My heart grew!

Without fail the day I married my amazing husband
5. Marriage

Marriage changed me, I had to learn to be unselfish. I learned to trust and love in ways I never thought possible.

Then I came back to the last six months
6. Work

It changed me. I had done something really hard, I had overcome so much self doubt, I had fought hard! If you work hard enough you can solve almost any problem!

Six months and four hundred pounds of elbow grease later,  I will change the quote on my office wall. Not necessarily because it's done, but because my head is above the water, and I can see a new dream!

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