Friday, June 13, 2008

Who do I run with?

So everyone is dying to know who I run with..... I run with VAMPIRES! Yes, I finally finished Eclipse last night! And I am still on Team Edward!! I was telling Sean of one of my conflicts of moving, and that was were to pre-order my book in Utah or Arizona! See we are planing on moving July 31, but even a couple days off and I could end up reading the book after all of you have already finished it. That wouldn't be so bad, but my Mom is really bad at keeping secrets (yea, remember mom about Jacob, I still love ya!) ;)                                                                                  I thought I would give you a few updates about past blogs! I haven't had a Dr. Pepper since I wrote about it.  I feel great, it was hard, and it still crosses my mind every now and again, but I know it was the right thing for ME.  Sean has really responded to my plead for more room on the bed,  I didn't even have to tie a sheet down the middle! I have such a sweet kind husband. We have found some people who are interested in buying our house, but they have to sell their house first, and with such a short time line, we had to put our house on the market. We also have some people interested in renting, but we don't know if you want to so that or not, we have never rented before. Anyway, I'll be flying down to Arizona to look for a place for us and preschool and all that stuff, I am really getting excited about this move!


Sunni said...

You've got me sooo excited for the new vampire book, I'm going to start re reading the last three, so all the details are fresh in my mind. I want to smell that Edward smell, what about you? By the way, I don't like the new lawn ornament that you installed in the park strip ih front of your house. I think you should remove it, its going to make the neighborhood go downhill :(

Josh and Emily said...

I am with you on Team Edward. I frankly don't understand the whole Jacob thing at all! I am sad you guys are moving, just when we moved closer. Your family is so cute!

riles said...

I have couple of friends from college that live in AZ one has 5-6 kids so she is familiar with the schools if you want any referals let me know! Oh and I am so glad you guys decided to come to the reunion it is going to rock!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Arizona is the best state ever! I should know...I have lived here for almost 21 years haha.
Anyway, you made a good choice with Edward.