Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Funniest Day I Have Lived So Far!

Today was the funniest day I have lived so far! The plane ride from Glendale to Atlanta was the ride from (you choose the word), no my child was a ANGEL, but there were twins on the flight right in front of us, that seriously screamed the entire time! The "mother" ( I used quotes because I use the term lightly) got headphones, drunk and feel asleep! WHAT!!  I just kept praying that it would hit her, that being a mother is one of the most rewarding, happy roles anyone could play. I did at one point in the flight grab my mommies hand and prayed that the plane was not falling from the sky! Anyway, to the funny part! So tonight, the readers digest version, one sister peed her pants twice, one sisters face puffed up - from an allergy, the elevator doors here eat people- even if your standing in the way, I got left in the elevator laughing my head off, with a puddle of ( you know what- not from me) and I was crossing my legs so I didn't pee, when I could finally get the elevator to stop the man on the 10th floor said "OK just keep going!" And he didn't get on the elevator! So the laughter turned into snorting!  I could hear the rest of my party laughing from 2 floors up!


Randi said...

I can completely picture it. And I bet I can guess the pee-er, too. But I won't.
Too Funny!!
Did you find some great things?

riles said...

classic! oh and BTW the pregnancy test I took today came back....positive! March 21stish!