Friday, August 15, 2008

Meet Joey

Sunni guessed right! We are the proud new owners of "Joey" the red lizard. Sean and I were putting the dining room table together on the first day we moved in and David said, "Lizard" of course I thought he wanted a lizard, not that there was one on our kitchen floor. So I say "No there is not a lizard!" David says, "Yes LIZARD, Look mom." I say "NO THERE IS NO LIZARD (just then the lizard moved) OK THERE IS A LIZARD IN OUR HOUSE----SEAN!!!" So Sean made a dive for the lizard, but he got under the dish washer. Ahhh- I have a lizard living in my house. I guess it could be worse I could have the annoying Cicada, or worse a Scorpion. Oh, and by the way I am totally freaked out of my mind about Scorpions. YUCK! 
Everyone meet Joey, Joey meet everyone! 

I think my kitchen, family room, Andrew's room, and David's room are all decorated, organized, done! I also took my first no GPS trip today! I didn't even get lost! Go me, Go me! 


Tam said...

So I totally blog stalked you but I had no other idea how to contact you! We're having the missionaries over for dinner on Sunday and wanted to know if you'd like to come. We'd love to have you and get to know your family better. Email me ( and let me know if that'd work!

Thanks a bunch
Tami Dickamore

Christy Matthews said...

GO AMY! I can't believe you're so organized! Okay, yes I can! Sounds like you have a solution to a scorpion problem, keep joey = no scorpions! Congratulations!

Christy Matthews said...

Okay, I finally remembered the name of one of our favorite Ice Cream joints, when we were in PX. Someday when you need a break and want to take a little drive go to Mary Coyle Ice Cream. it's ssooooo good! it's at 5521 N. 7th Ave. I promise it will be worth the drive. It's smooth, creamy homemade ice cream and desserts. And it's totally kid friendly--all the better! YUM!!!!!

Amy Peterson said...

I might have to take a drive TOMORROW! Oh, that sounds so YUM!

Tami Vincent said...

I think that so totally sounds like you and getting organized. Love you guys and cant wait to get caught up on the move.

Sunni said...

Yippee for David!! You finally got your lizard! I can't wait to meet him in person. By the way Amy, can I get your new address?

somebodysmom said...

So does Joey have a permanent home?
Can't think of a better family to live with.

Nicole said...

So I lived in PHX for 4 years and never once saw a scorpion... so, there is hope! And I can't believe you used the word decorated already... I have been here for 8 months and wouldn't say a single room is decorated!