Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ohh what a sweet moment! (now don't smash the baby!)

Every morning I wake up to a full bed of children. No, the kids are not allowed to sleep in our bed, but when they wake up they come and claim a piece of the bed, till mom funds her way out of bed. D & Z are always so excited to see Andrew! This was such a cute picture from this morning. It is always so cute, till they start smashing the baby and fighting over who he will look at and start crying because D wont leave Z alone, but this was a small glimpse of heaven! 

D & Z went to a Dora and Diego day camp today, and had a blast! They said their favorite part was telling the tractor driver to go faster is spanish! Yes, my kids do watch Dora and Diego, those day camp instructors had no idea what they were up against today! ; )

1 comment:

Randi said...

So cute! Wouldn't it be amazing if they could really get fluent in Spanish from TV? I mean really speak it. That would be cool.