Thursday, August 21, 2008

Enough! - Vote On New Hair Cut

Just somethings we have had ENOUGH of! 

 Sean was making breakfast this morning and watching a little about the Olympics and David had a melt down! "WE HAVE WATCHED ENOUGH OF THIS- HAVEN'T WE!" 10 seconds of silence......... and then both Sean and I just broke out laughing. Apparently David is DONE with the Olympics! I however wish the Olympics were a little more often! 

I have had ENOUGH with my hair, it is way past time for a good cut and some good color. I found a place that I am going to try over in Scottsdale, now it's time to vote on a new do!
   Option #1
Option #2
Option #3


Randi said...

I vote option 1. But of course, you look gorgeous in anything!

somebodysmom said...

I vote for a hair cut and color - just to give you a little pick up. Just like Sean you would be beautiful without hair.

Tami Vincent said...

I love all of them, but I think I like #3 the best. by the way as I was watching the olympics I watched the marathon, and the ladies before they run where these ice jackets to lower their temp. I wonder if you could stand in a freezer for 30 min.

Amy Peterson said...

Seriously people- Sean voted for #2! I just need a little more input- Mom you don't get off that easy! VOTE we want a number!!!!

Christy Matthews said...

I like option 1. I think that the longer layers would be good when your running. I have something similar to option 2 right now and if I don't flat iron it everyday or curl it. the layers look frizzy and don't look good. So don't do 2 unless you can really do your hair everyday--my suggestion. 3 is cute but I don't know if that is regulation pony-tail length--that would stink at 104 without a pony! Do I have an opinion or what!?

Sunni said...

I am sooo with Sean! #2 is the way to go. Too bad you aren't here still, my very favorite hair dresser just moved back from St. George, I myself am sporting a new short do... It feels so good!

Sunni said...

Hows this for a decision maker. Greg just walked in, so I asked for his vote, his reply "They're all the same." Such a guy

somebodysmom said...

Dad said "my heck it doesn't really matter. I say #2 it looks younger. At 61 I'm all about younger.
Teines pelo fantastico. See I'm learning Spanish too.

Christy Matthews said...

I just found this website it's and you can upload a photo of yourself and try on different carrie underwood styles. Thought that might help make the decision.

Laura said...

I vote for #1 but of course it's probably to late sorry.
Take a picture when you get it done so we can see the results.