Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, I think that reality is finally setting in! I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!! Moving is hard. Anyway, among all of that, life is good! I am so excited to move and to get Sean going on his MBA. Each class is divided into teams and Sean is a Mustang. We got online and read the forum for his team and read about the people that will be going to school with Sean, WOW- they all sound like amazing people. People from all over the world, speaking all different languages.  I am so excited for where we are going to live, I found a Preschool that I love there as well, but Preschools are expensive in Arizona- I might have to sell my first born to afford Preschool! ; ) WOW- what a huge change this will be! I am excited, and I love that Sean is following his dreams!


Randi said...

Hey, if you sold off your firstborn, then you wouldn't need a preschool.
Which might be a good deal all the way around, except that you'd probably get to missing that little cutie David.
Ok, bad plan.

Nicole said...

Amy~ Where in Phoenix are you guys going to live? I want to hear more... shot me an email! nicole