Thursday, July 10, 2008

What the Heck!

I think this has been quite the adventure this week! One of the most popular lines this week has been, "What the heck!", and the other is, "What the flip!" Last night we spent the night in the ER here in Atlanta. Andrew had been fussing most of the night (which is not like him) and I got up and thought if I feed him maybe I would get some sleep- well when I picked him up he was BURNING! He started screaming and was rolling his eyes in the back of his head- So off to the ER. The hotel was kind enough to take us in their shuttle. We were in the scary ghetto hospital in down town Atlanta, with the huge man that got stabbed, and the crazy man screaming "Help me!" from his room- and me and my mother and cute sweet Andrew. By the time we saw the doctor the Tylenol had kicked in and he was normal Andrew! So they think he has a virus, and we are just watching him now! 
Today Andrew and I stayed behind and the rest went to the show, and found some great new things for Kneaders. I love market I love seeing all of the great ideas, and fresh new perspectives, and the people here are so kind. 


Randi said...

Yeah, those downtown ER's are scary places, aren't they? What a night for you!

I'm so jealous of your trip, though...

Randi said...

Hey Amy, one of my favorite bloggers is working a booth at Market this weekend! Here's the link.
What a small world, eh?