Monday, August 11, 2008

Climbing Orange Trees

We made it! I love it here!! We had an interesting drive down, D was up all Thursday night throwing up, and me with him (one of the best parts of Motherhood) ; ) So when we got up in the morning, I thought there was no way we were going to make it. But some pretty serious praying was going on cause I did! If you ever get a chance to drive through Utah at 55 miles per hour with a 4 year old throwing up as you go, I highly recommend it(maybe not the last part)! Only once in your life time though, and I have now done my turn! (but seriously it is beautiful)  And if you ever get a chance to drive through AZ in the dark, pouring rain, with a Uhaul trailer hitched to you, don't do it! The good news is we are all alive and unpacking like crazy! The kitchen is pretty much in place, and our master bed room as well, and I just love my closet here, if you ever come and stay you might just have to sleep in the closet! (I'll post a picture as soon as I find that camera!) D found one of his favorite new past times, climbing orange trees. We have two beautiful orange trees in our back yard, and they need to have all the fruit pulled off, so we could have beautiful Christmas oranges, so D went to work. 
 He has had a bit of a hard time, new place, new things, new people. But I think that he is getting better and better! Z keeps on saying- I love this house better than the old one, I love this church better than the old one. Like she has to love it more to make it ok! She is doing great, and met a bunch of girls here age at church yesterday. A is the same smiley baby he always is, he just rolls and rolls to get where he wants to go. I am in love with the people, the orange trees, the kitchen, the closet, and of coarse my SEAN! Sean is eager to get going to school, and really excited about the family aspect Thunderbird has! 

We all love you, and miss you! 


Josh and Emily said...

I can't believe you guys are really gone! Why didn't I take better advantage of you being here??? I am glad that it is going well and the orange trees are great. That in itself is pretty cool. I hope everything goes wonderful for you!

Christy Matthews said...

When you're finally settled I have a list of things you have got to do in downtown Phoenix! Let me know when you're ready for the list. Love ya! Happy you made it safely. Oh my goodness, moving is so hard for the first couple of weeks--go get 'um wonder woman!