Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My heart is just on overflow! I am so grateful this morning. Grateful for amazing people that Sean and I have gotten to know, grateful for good friends- who even fold your underwear! I am so grateful for people who prayed us here, grateful to people who changed our lives! Sean and I sat and talked last night about all of the things we have learned simply by associating with amazing people! I know that our lives will be different, we have been impacted for the better! I have learned about LOVE in an amazing way the last 4 years. I hope that I can take what I have learned and better peoples lives. I really don't think that words can describe how I feel! 

I remember when we were looking to move here we had found a house about 15 minutes from the store, and had even made an offer on the house. The next morning I just woke up physically ill, I knew that that beautiful house on the hill was not the house we were to buy. So I softened my heart and confessed to Sean that I really wanted to move there, but it was NOT the right place. So then we found it, a repossessed white brick house covered in ivy. Was this where God wanted me to be? YES!! I am so thankful to have listen to the spirit, I could not have imagined how our lives would be impacted! Thank you! We love all of you!


Sunni said...

Aaaahhh, Amy! I'm gonna miss you and your family so much! I am happy for your new adventure, but you will be sorely missed. I am definately a better person because I have you as a friend and an example. I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Matt and I were talking last night about yall! Matt said that it will be the first time that him and Sean will be away from each other since their missions! We're going to miss yall and our cute niece and nephews! When you get back we are going to build our little Peterson community right?

Christy Matthews said...

You are one dedicated blogger! I can't believe you have time to blog on top of moving! No, not because I feel sorry for you! I think your great, you go super woman! Love ya!

Tami Vincent said...

We will miss you so much. You better keep on running so we can do races together. I love you guys, and will miss zimi's cute hair. You guys are going to be great in AZ.

Sunni said...

I not used to looking at the same blog for soo long! I know you are busy unpacking, but hook up the computer, and send some Az pics our way. Hope all is well...

Randi said...

I'm dying for some AZ pictures, too!!
Let us know how things are going!


I am so glad that you guys made it safely. I am so sad that you guys are gone. Stockton keeps saying everyday how he misses David. But you have been such a great friend and example to me. You are so positive, happy, so great to talk to, and you always look perfect (even at 8:30 a.m. with three kids in the car). I still will never know how you do that. Thank you for your friendship and your sweet nature. We will miss your family so much. But we hope you will love your new home and have many wonderful new expieriences.

Unknown said...

Amy & Family,
I've been thinking about you for a couple of days now and just had to write a quick note to say how grateful I am to have had you as neighbors and friends and how dreadfully I am going to miss your sweet family! Please come back to us when your AZ adventure is through!!! You have brought love and a strong spirit and we are all better for it. You have been a blessing to us and hopefully we leave you with the same. AZ is SO lucky to get you!!
Love to you all,
Robin Thorn (& family)