Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things we haven't had "ENOUGH" of!

Last post was full of "ENOUGH" and this post is celebrating the things we want more of. 

1. Blue Sky! Every morning I wake up and look out side, and to my surprise still everyday blue sky and sunshine! I don't think you can get Enough blue skies and sunshine!
2. Meeting new people! Last night there was a Meet and Greet on Campus and we met AMAZING people, and we have met people from all over the world, every religion, and will have life long friends from this group of people! Today there was a meeting with just the Spouses and children of students- I met great woman who are from everywhere some speak very little English and I am so excited to have met some great friends there! It is always fun to be surrounded by women who are going through the same things that you are. Oh I am so excited to be living this adventure! 
3. Palm Trees! You can never have enough palm trees! I just love driving down the streets and looking at all the different kinds. We have also found out the palm trees give nasty slivers! (But we will happily take the slivers.)

4. The Church! I am continually amazed at the family of members that I have automatically inherited. It is so fun to get to know our ward- which has been amazing to us, and fun to get to know the other students that are LDS as well. For the most part all of them fall within our Stake. 

5. Oddly I have not had enough weird looks! I don't know why in Utah I had a problem with it, but I just have become numb to it! 3 kids and this close together! I know- I love it!!


Laura said...

You know that whenever you see a palm tree your on vacation. How great to be on vacation daily. love ya!


that is so exciting!! I love palm trees too! And the church is amazing! I am sure you will find life long friends in Arizona. I'm glad David liked school! On the way to school today Stockton wanted to know why David wasn't going to be at his school and why he had to move.

Christy Matthews said...

That is such a nice thing about the church--no matter where you go you have instant family! You are so out going and fun I am sure that all those new people are so happy to have met you too! Miss ya! Love ya! PICTURES PLEASE!!!

Randi said...

Amy, you're so good at jumping in there and meeting people! Good for you.
We had this lady move into our ward about a year ago, and I was SO impressed with the way she attended everything. I mean EVERYTHING. After about 6 months, everyone in the ward completely forgot she was "new". I think she'd attended more enrichment things in the 6 months than I have since the new program started.

somebodysmom said...

Being new reminds me a lot of Lake Powell - YA JUST JUMP IN. After that, everything just takes care of it's self.