Monday, August 18, 2008


How cute is my Z she calls Family Home Evening - Hallowening. I think this is because we really started to have our Family Home Evenings around Halloween of last year. So she has combine the two and we have Hallowening! Sounds pretty fun hu? 

Sean is home from Utah and drove the drive down in 9 hours- which is way better than 14 hours for our first trip. I love having my honey home! 

Yesterday at church we got callings, but they are still a secret, so I'll fill you in on details later! We love our ward! And it is so great to have another Thunderbird Student and family in our ward! Our ward has been amazing and super helpful- I even have someone who keeps we updated about all the sining opportunities and try outs for me. We couldn't have asked for better! 

D started Preschool today! I'll post a picture soon. He was so excited, we didn't know if we would be able to find a preschool this late in the game but we did. Miss Linda is D's teacher and he goes on M/W/F and Z is excited to start tomorrow, she has Miss Linda as well but she goes on T/TH.  A is as cute as humanly possible!! His fat knees just kill me, but they will be great for crawling! 


Randi said...

You have TRY-OUTs for singing opportunities in your ward????
Oh. My. Goodness.
You should move here. They have to BEG people to do musical numbers.

We would love you forever and never make you keep your callings a secret.

Christy Matthews said...

Happy you found a preschool! That will be so nice to have the other one for some quality mommy time! Wow, sounds like they really need you down there! I love moving to a ward that gets you involved right-a-way. Let us know what you'll be doing! We would love photos of the house and kids! Email me with your new address and phone sis! Love ya!

somebodysmom said...

How about and address and phone # at your house? Could you email me too. Tell us about the pre-school. Hey I think a lot more people would we happy about FHE if it was call Halloweening or maybe Christmasing or evey Birthdaying. Got to love that Zimi. She makes me smile. I can just here her saying, "that's what we do Grandma".