Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chocolate Hangovers & Football!

This morning we all have a chocolate hangover from the Candy/Chocolate Factory we went to visit yesterday. We had out first Thunderkids activity- The Cerreta Candy Company. Poor David had to go to Preschool- but he didn't miss out on the chocolate! I thought it was cool too. They had a huge mold to make a 500 pound chocolate Santa! (now that's what I'm talkin about) I happen to be related to a few who would use 500 pound Santa to decorate their house! They also had a HUGE football made from chocolate. Everyone is a little football/chocolate crazy down here! I thought it might make it hard/impossible to make chocolates here, because it is 100 degrees out side, but they were making chocolate like crazy! It goes through a "cooler" that twists up and up and goes for 1 mile! I wanted to crawl on the belt and get a mile of nice coldness! ; )


Tam said...

Isnt it so much fun? I love their caramels. Yummy, think I need to go again! How fun that you are involved w/ a program. Bet the kiddos love it!

Christy Matthews said...

And I should be expecting my share when? JK That sounds like so much fun!

somebodysmom said...

...and me on a diet.

Sunni said...

I love chocolate... (drool, drool, drool)