Friday, September 12, 2008

Good Intentions!

Yesterday I woke up determined to get "everything in the world" done! You know, house cleaned, laundry folded, groceries bought, decorations for next weeks party done, delicious dinner made, cookies for the whole neighborhood baked and delivered hot, the "global warming" problem fixed, you know the usual! Good intentions, good intentions! Yup, proud to say the list is pretty much the same this morning, which means.... nothing really got done! I could just blame it all on the anniversary of 9/11 but that would have taken like 1 hour- not 18. So with no excuse I guess I'm saying I was plain old lazy yesterday, but at least my intentions were good! Do I get any points for that?


Anonymous said...

know you're not alone! haha. I imagine life will be just as good if the laundry and dishes wait a few days.

Sunni said...

On a day like that the best thing to do is to start on the 500lb Santa, I recommend starting with his head, its more humane.

Tam said...

I lost your # but we're heading out to dinner tomorrow night w/ the girls! Give me a call and I'll give you the details!

Amy Peterson said...

a 500lb santa without a head, now that would be something to blog about!

somebodysmom said...

Pretty much I make a list to accomplish on Monday and I'm almost done with it on Saturday. Guess I should stop with all the guilt and just call it my list for the week. You too M.

Christy Matthews said...

Let's not fix the problem with global warming just yet, let me move first! Put that on your to do list for next year, please!!! Oh gosh, have I had day's like that. I think it's Heavenly Fathers way of reminding us what it's like to be a child. You wake up ready to conquer something, then mom makes you get dressed, eat breakfast, go to school and on and on. When the day is done you got nothing done--that you wanted to do.