Saturday, September 6, 2008

Date Night!

Like I totally went out with like the hottest guy last night. He is like so tall and handsome and I LOVE his bald head! 
Yes, I know it's a miracle we are back on date night! WAHOO! Last Sunday our Bishop gave the joint lesson and he talked about date nights, and gave us a great idea- you should try it- each of you write a list of 10 date night ideas and them cut them up and put them in an envelope and each Sunday at your "Marriage Meeting" pull one out and you have the date for the following weekend. I loved the activity because I just got to come up with things I would love to do, and Sean did too. Now we have 20 dates already planned! GREAT!! 


Tam said...

You didnt tell us what you did. We are always looking for new fun ideas!

somebodysmom said...

Sounds realy fun. One year Dad and I did something similar. My favorite date was taking a small boat and paddling out into the lake and having a picnic. We laughed so hard. It was great.

Nicole said...

I like the Sunday "Marriage Meeting"! I can't convince Zac that going to Target with no kids is a DATE... he doesn't see the romance in it?? Have I become unromantic??