Friday, September 26, 2008

Holy Crap!

Funny, as I was writing the title of this post, it just popped up like I have already used it or something- what would I have Holy Crapped before? Oh- and I just threw in that exclamation point in just cause it wouldn't be my blog with out 'em. 

*Holy Crap* I have to be the most blessed person in the world, I move to a new city and don't feel so hot, and I have people knocking the door down to bring me dinner! I am so blessed, I feel like I've been here forever. I love it! I am feeling so much better today! I even decided to dig myself out of the laundry. I'm even doing wash during the "peak" hours, I know, I know it's gonna cost me- but I think it's cheaper then burning all the laundry and getting all new clothes. (That doesn't sound too bad, and a lot more fun!)

Maybe if I looked at my washing machine every time I peed I would get more of it done!? And is that a blue shower curtain in the corner? OK- so pee, wash and shower all at the same time-Oh so that is how everyone is getting it all done! 


Randi said...

Now THAT's what I call serious multitasking!

Where can I order that set-up?

Sunni said...

My question is exactly what water is being used in your washer in that little set up. Thats almost as bad as when your drinking at a public fountain outside the restrooms and the water pressure drops when you hear the toilet flush on the other side of the wall. Hmmmm...


That is so awesome that you are pregnant!! Congratulations. Sorry that you aren't feeling so hot. One thing that I have learned for sure is don't miss a few weeks of looking at Amy's blog because you could miss something really oh your pregnant.