Monday, September 29, 2008

Some Cute Things

In church yesterday a baby was blessed and the Great Grandfather of the baby got up and shared his testimony and in it he said this- I will be using this line sometime in my life, I am sure! He said when ever his kids complained about going to church he said this, " You still have your free will, you can go willingly or unwillingly!" I thought that was brilliant! 

Last night D offered our family prayer and he said, "Please bless Mom's baby that it will be a boy (pause)(pause)(pause) A boy or a girl it doesn't matter, just bless it to get here safe!"  Cute kid hu? 


Randi said...

Awwww. Those both really are cute things. I can't decide which one is my favorite!

Christy Matthews said...

I love your little D he's such a sweet kid! Guess what--we got snow yesterday I am sure you wish you could be here hu!

somebodysmom said...

David is such a treasure. Making a cookie for each one of the girls in their favorite color of sparkles.Where did he come up with that? Miss all of you. Wish I was there to make cookies everyday. Hey, that is what I do everyday. You know the make the cookies part.

somebodysmom said...

David is such a treasure. Making a cookie for each one of the girls in their favorite color of sparkles.Where did he come up with that? Miss all of you. Wish I was there to make cookies everyday. Hey, that is what I do everyday. You know the make the cookies part.

somebodysmom said...

Help I can't stop sending the same message.

Amy Peterson said...

Isn't my mom soo funny!