Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just Call us Thunder!

So I did figure that there would be a little play on the word Thunderbird, but we just might have to change our last name to Thunder! EVERYTHING is Thunder! We now have Thunderkids, here is Sean's Thundermug,
 there are Thundercouples, and Thunderbabies, the Thundermovies, and the Thundermunchers (which sounds thunderlicious)..... and well you get the point. All that to say there are a thunderthousand things for us to do here, and it almost makes us thundertired!  And I haven't even started to talk about about the Thunderstorms that happened the night of the Thunderolympics! I am always so about the TEAM SPIRIT thing, so I guess I deserve all this Thunder in it's glory! Ohh- I just came up with a new club the Thunderspirit team! I will make posters about all the Thunderings that are going on, and ekkk it will be so fun! Have a Thunder-kind-day! (I don't technically even know what that means!) 


Randi said...

I don't know what it means, either.
But it sounds Thunder-riffic!

Sunni said...

Just watch out for those dreaded Thunder Thighs! I hear those can sneak up on you! ;)

Amy Peterson said...

he he

somebodysmom said...

I'm so tired I can't even think of a Thunder-thing, but I sure enjoyed all your Thunder - thoughts.