Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

We had such a great weekend, it was a blast! Last night we went to the Brimhall Family home out in Mesa. They are good friends of Sean parents - anyway- they invited us over to swim and to BBQ. First of all let me say that Roy is KING of the BBQ, I have NEVER had such an amazing, tender, well seasoned steak in my life! WOW!! They were so welcoming and loving to our family! We all felt completely comfortable and at home. The kids and Sean and I had such a great time swimming and meeting their family. D. just loved their diving board (belly flops), Z. had a great time splashing around in the 2 feet section and A. just floated around the pool on a small floaty the entire time- He was so chill and relaxed!! I am so grateful to their family for making us feel welcomed and loved. D. was so cute when we left he said "Is that going to be our new Grandma?" Then we explained that no matter where we are in the world our grandmas are always our grandmas! (one of those moving things that I really didn't think about) I guess I better get into those little heads and figure out what they are thinking. I'll post pictures as soon as I get an email from the Brimhalls! 


Randi said...

Sounds like you need some Grandmas to come and visit!
What a cutie! I'm so glad your holiday was good.

somebodysmom said...


Anonymous said...

So Matt and I have just been looking around at random houses over in Eagle mountain and every house we went to Lexi said it's Zimi's house! Cracks me up every time. We all miss yall!