Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Holy crap- I updated my blog! (Powell)

It's about time I updated the blog! Last weekend we went to Lake Powell ( me, D, and Z) it was a blast! Many of you don't know that I HATE lake water, just cause I feel like the whale at the bottom of the lake is going to eat me at any given time! Anyway-- so this was actually the first time for many things at Powell-- cliff jumping, tubing, and attempted wakesurfing were all the list. I had such a great time!

So far cliff jumping is my favorite, probably cause you really can't fail at it, gravity just does it's job! D and Z just LOVED playing all day in the sand and water. Z even tried to wakesurf with Uncle James. We all had such a GREAT time with my family!

Here is a picture my nephew Austin took! Awesome hu?!?


Becca Sharp said...

Wow, that's a gorgeous picture! Oh, and I LOVE your new family picture at the top of your blog. So cute!!!

Randi said...

woo woo!
Isn't Lake Powell great!!?

I'm so glad the Lake Powell monster didn't eat you for lunch. I definitely get that tingly feeling in my toes every time I jump off the boat!

Love the pictures.

Unknown said...

I about forgot who you guys were!! Just kidding, but hey, we're moving to SLC Thanksgiving weekend! We're super excited. We'll have to meet up!