Monday, May 18, 2009


I finally feel like I am back from the land of newborn hibernation! Kimball is sleep GREAT for a newborn, and I really can do life when there some sleep!  So for all of you currently enjoying a full night of sleep, enjoy it a little more just for me!


Becca Sharp said...

Oh, I wish I was enjoying full night's of sleep. But, still not yet. But, I'm sure I'm getting more sleep than you are. Newborns are hard. They eat all the time! Plus, they have their days and nights all mixed up and it's up to you to fix it. Good times!

I heard from your mom how wonderful you're doing. I talked to her at Kneader's the other day. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well. I'm sure it's a HUGE adjustment. Best of luck from us! Can't wait to see more pictures of Kimball!

Sunni said...

Here are some extra ZZZZzzzzz's from me to you! Love every minute of it, it goes too fast!

Jennifer said...

She is so adorable! I wish I could send you some sleep!! Take advantage of the naps that she takes!!