Saturday, May 17, 2008

Midnight Gardening

I am starting a new club, midnight gardening! I just tried it last night- well more like 9-11 gardening- and it was rather pleasant. First of all I hate to garden, because all the bugs, knee pain, sunburns, you spent half your time talking to neighbors driving by...... But when you midnight garden, the temp. is perfect, it's so dark you can't see the bugs, no one stopping to talk (they all just think you have gone bonkers), and I discovered the comfort of a kneeling pad. All in all, my midnight gardening looked great in the daylight! I sound like I'm trying to sale something. It is great and has no calories, no artificial colors, no artificial flavors and it's only 2 easy payments of $19.95! :-)

1 comment:

Randi said...

Love that plan! Especially how you can't see the bugs. Yesterday we found a snake in the garden.
That's when I moved to the front yard!