Sunday, May 18, 2008

Following Your Dreams

As many of you know we are moving to Arizona, and if you didn't know well- Surprise! As the date for school to start gets closer, it starts to become more of a reality. People keep asking if what they are hearing is true, and it is.  I have had people ask why- Why move from such are great place with a great store and everything. Well I am so lucky that I married a man that believes in following dreams, goals and ambitions. I am also lucky to be in a place where we can pick up and move where we feel like we are being lead. I also know that this move is not just for Sean's schooling; There is no doubt that we are going the right direction, and that the Lord is leading us there. I am excited to start a new adventure- and I am excited to follow our dreams!


Anonymous said...

BOOO on Arizona! Haha. Just when we get a little closer! Well save room for us! = )

Randi said...

Wow! I didn't know that! How exciting for you. You'll have such a great adventure. When are you going?

Amy Peterson said...

Randi- school starts in September, so end of July early August. Ahhh crazy!