Monday, June 9, 2008

No Brakes!

I was telling Sean it feels like we are on a bike going down a hill with no brakes. Life just keeps on coming at us faster and faster. Time is flying by and before we know it are kids will be grown and gone. D finished his first year of Preschool, they had a big party on the last day. It was all about circuses! The kids got to dress up, and of course david wanted to be a knight (which has nothing to do with the circus). He had a great day, and his teachers were amazing! Z is so cute, yesterday we went for a drive and I asked her how her nap was and she said, "Good mom, how was your nap." I replied, "Good, Z thanks for asking!" To that she said, "No, thank you Mom."   I just laughed and laughed. A is almost rolling over, and he has to be the biggest smile child!  Oh, and I finished New Moon! Yea, the 1 hour deadline really didn't work out so well. I just ran and got Eclipse, but I can hardly keep my eyes open from all of the reading, reading, reading! So if you see me driving down the road, honk, just to make sure I'm still awake;)


Becca Sharp said...

Amy! So good to see you at my baby shower on Saturday. Thanks for coming! I was so glad to see you. You're so right about life moving faster and faster. Jake's and my life was slow for a while, but has picked up a ton in the last year. It's gonna get crazy when the baby comes in another month.

And I can't believe you hadn't read the Twilight books yet! I love them! I'm in love with Edward (is it healthy to be in love with ficticious characters? Yes, when you're married, right?) I can't wait for book four in August - think I'll get the book and read it while adjusting to new-mommyhood.

I'll try to remember this blog address and check it often. I just got through reading every blog post - you're amazing, by the way. If I ever get a blog, I'll let you know. Looks like you're relatively new to the blogging thing anyway - couple months, right? I'll have to get started.

Love ya!

Sunni said...

Enjoy the "gentler times" before the kids hit elementary. Once they hit 1st grade years go by in a weeks time. By the way, don't forget our pact about coming back to SLC to watch the twilight movie with us!

Randi said...

You're right. Life seems to move faster and faster the farther down the road you get!

And let me know what you think about Eclipse. I was a big Edward fan until after Eclipse. That was where I switched over to Jacob!