Friday, July 18, 2008

Everything Happens for a Reason.

Well, Sean and I are on this "everything happens for a reason" kick. He took my keys all the way down to Orem with him, and had to drive them back up here, only for all of us to drive back down to Orem ($100 of gas)- everything happens for a reason. We planned a temple trip with his family and hit American Fork Steel Days traffic and didn't make it on time- everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's just a great excuse, but I'm going to ride this one as long as I can. I was just eating a Zone bar and ate a crumb off my desk, it was brown and hit me WAY to late that that might not be a Zone crumb, good news it was- everything happens for a reason! 

No, really I do believe that things happen for a reason, and sometimes we walk on by mad, or stressed out, and totally miss the reason! So next time, you are put in a situation, look around!


Randi said...

I think you're right and everything really does happen for a reason.
Sometimes we get to see the reason, but most times we have no idea.

Sunni said...

Thanks, I needed that reminder. I think I get wrapped up in it, and forget that everything happens for a reason!