Saturday, July 19, 2008

American Fork Steel Days 5k

This morning my sister and I ran the 5k in American Fork. And I did get the goal I was going for this time. I wanted to finish in the 35 minute mark, and I did! WAHOO!! The other great thing that happened today was that I only walked for about 12 steps the entire race. That is a big deal for me! It was a great race, more uphill then any other race, and my time got better. The bad news was that my ipod was stuck on Stevie Wonder songs, not so bad the first 2.5 miles. But the last .6 mile I really needed different music. I even told my sister that she couldn't talk to me anymore, because I kind of get mean at the end, it is all I can do to put on foot in front of the other. 

Great not only do I suffer from running RED SKIN, but I'm mean too! Watch out Amy Peterson is running, you better run the other way!


Christy Matthews said...

Way to go girl! I am so proud of you!

Randi said...

Great Job both of you! Way to make your goal!!
I get a little crabby when I run, too. Just turn up the Stevie Wonder and forget about everything else!

somebodysmom said...

Please, please take my body next time. Just use it for a race of two. I promise not to go red faced on you and for sure I could use the exercise.

Sunni said...

You go 5K girl! I am waaaay out of running practise. I told Gage that I am signing us up for a 5K so I will be motivated, and I think he is a running partner that I can keep up with, maybe.