Thursday, July 17, 2008

Explaining Twilight- to men!

I have decided that explaining the Twilight series to MEN is totally pointless. Bless their hearts, but they could really care less. I mean, obviously they have not read the book, they don't want to and they don't want to talk about it - FOR SURE! I love that my husband will listen to all my philosophy and all the underlining struggles I hear in the book, but I should know by now that the quickest way to get my husband out of a room is to start talking about Twilight. I have to admit that I even use that to my advantage sometimes! ; )  

All of Sean's family is in town and we had a little Peterson reunion yesterday. The kids had such a great time at the Kangaroo Zoo. It is so nice to have kids old enough that they can go and enjoy themselves, and don't have to be constantly followed. We even had a little "talent show" at Grandma's house, D sang the star fish song, and Z sang I am a Child of God, and Baby of Mine. I love that my children love to sing! 

Just to keep you updated on the Worthington Family Challenge ( and to brag a little) I am currently in first place with 24 points! Yes, if you saw me out this morning with my bright red face that run put me in first!


Sunni said...

You go girl! Keep it up with the points, what time are you going in the mornings?

Amy Peterson said...

I usually go about 8:00ish, or whenever I can talk myself into it.

zdylanh said...

I get the red face thing, too. Zac and I did Wasatch Back last year and the first time I ran they were sure I was about to die- but it was just my dang red face! I hate it!!!