Thursday, July 31, 2008

Found It & First Casualty

Remember how I said moving is great because you finally find the one thing you have been looking for since you moved in, well I found it! And it was also our first casualty of the Arizona move. She got knocked off the counter this morning! Ouch!!!!
I got this from my Mom when I become a Mother. I remember looking at it thinking that there was no way my sweet little baby was ever going to be that big, well, if you know D he is and then some!! I love the little boy in this because if you notice he has both hands over his heart. I want my kids be able to feel in their hearts the amazing LOVE I have for them, for my husband, for my Savior and for this LIFE!  I want that FEELING to be tangible for them, and those who enter in our home.  I guess creating that feeling in my home is the first step, then will I be able to let people feel that no matter where I go, or where I am! 

LOVE, I don't think there is a better legacy to leave, or way to change the world!


Christy Matthews said...

That's funny I have a very similar figurine, and a very similar problem. Their heads must not be on very tightly! However, it's the child that's headless--I swear I didn't do it!!! JK

Sunni said...

I love you Amy!