Saturday, July 26, 2008

Memo to Sunni


I really need you to do me a favor! Please please please, tell your hairy chested friend to zip his hair in while he rides his bike! Now I know you don't know him, but if you see him while you are biking please inform him that he really needs to take care of this "hairy situation".  I mean it's one thing to flaunt your hair around your house, but riding his bike up 106 South, now that is cruel and unusual punishment. (Maybe the CIA could use him!) Could you also inform him of all the smooth options including simply zip his zipper up! Thank you for your help, I think he will take the news better from a fellow biker! 

Anything you can do to speed the process along would be GREAT! 


Sunni said...

Thanks for outting me Amy!! I usually try to wax before I ride, but sometimes I just like to feel the wind blowing through my hair! Can you give a girl a break? There's just nothing like airing out the sweater on a hot day.... ahhh

Tami Vincent said...

That is just so I dont even know what to call that. ewwwwwwwwa.

Sunni said...

ha ha