Friday, July 25, 2008


Way to go Sean! We are all so proud of our daddy. Sean heard back from Thunderbird this week, and he got a scholarship! I am so excited for him and this new adventure! 

Well, thanks to my wonderful sister I am well on the packing road. Tami came and helped get me started and we even mapped out a schedule of which day each room has to be boxed up. And I get a GREAT reward if I stay on schedule.... August 2, I get the entire day to read Breaking Dawn.  Me, my mom, sisters, and niece are all having a little Breaking Dawn Party to wait in line to get our books!  It ought to be eventful, because getting the sisters together always is ; ) Got to get on with the packing!


Randi said...

What fun to have sisters to do everything with! I wish mine lived much much closer!!

somebodysmom said...

So proud of Sean. Way to go. Love your house in AZ. It should be the best of times.

Christy Matthews said...

Way to go Sean! We are so proud of you! Follow your dreams!

Anonymous said...

Gottah love free money! Wahoo! You go Sean!