Friday, August 29, 2008

I get him all to myself! - SPIT

After a very long week of NO DADDY we get him all to ourselves for 3 days. Sean has been super busy with school and Foundations week at Thunderbird. And now it is time for a family weekend! I am really looking forward to seeing my husband for a little while. 

Tell me if I am the worse mother in the world? So- David wanted some ice cream yesterday and I told him after he had his nap and he spat on my face. (lovely I know but keep in mind he was really tired and need a nap) So I took a nice deep breathe and calmly explained that that NEVER flies at our house! I also told him it was the meanest thing he could ever do to someone- it showed lack of caring and R E S P E C T (no I did not sing about it though). I then went on to explain the consequence- no nice mommy stuff! I would not wash his clothes that day, I would not make dinner for him, help him when he needed help, play games with him, sing a song to sleep, ect..... boy did I get a reaction! He thought I was just going to roll over and forget- nope he had no nice mommy stuff. I hope I wasn't too harsh- I just think spitting on someone shows a complete lack of respect! Anyway one of my friends was trying to offer support, but I saw that maybe she thought I was being too harsh. 
What do you think, or what have you done in this situation?


Tam said...

You handled it perfectly. I dont think I could be that calm in that situation! Very impressive (and almost more impressive that you stuck w/ it -- too often I forget and give in). I'm hoping its just a boy thing, my girls have yet to figure out spitting.

Christy Matthews said...

It's totally a boy thing. My Michael used to do that too. Mostly I figured out that it was when I was distracted and not listening to him when he wanted my full attention. I think it's great you nipped it in the bud--hope it works for you, I am dying to know.

somebodysmom said...

How can children learn what is OK if you let them act any way they want? It isn't even acceptable if you are tired, hungry, or sick. Maybe more forgivable but still not acceptable. I see a ton of parents who chose to do nothing when their kids did something like that and now their children are teenagers - still out of control and they can do nothing about it.

Sunni said...

You go girl! Your a great mom, and I am always so impressed to watch how you handle situations with your kids. I am taking lessons from you, when are you going to release your book?

Randi said...

I think you did a great job! You were much more calm than I would have been. And the consequence was appropriate to the punishment.

It's not like he didn't get anything he needed! He just didn't get the extra nice things that happen when we ALL treat each other nicely!
Well done!