Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Tami (my sister) posted this blog yesterday, but I laughed so hard that I had to post it myself. So she talked about her girls in this "no fair" stage, and said that one of my other sisters says to her kids, "If life were fair we would all have to wear boy underwear, and all of us would be bald" To that I say Sean really got the butt end of the deal in this life- boy underwear and blad! 


Randi said...

Too funny! I remember those same discussions with my kids like it was yesterday. Probably because it was.

Anonymous said...

haha! that's hilarious! Did you read about how Lexi keeps wanting to go to zimi's house? it's really cute!

Tami Vincent said...

I am so sorry! It just really appeals to my girls, our sister says to her kids, that if life were fair they would all have to wear girl underwear, and bras to it's all prospective.