Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grape Juice!

ARGG! My cameras batteries died yesterday, and I am fresh out so you will have to use your imagination for this one! Yesterday I was upstairs cleaning and David came busting up the stairs, he stopped put his hands on this hips and panting said "I got some grape juice!" My immediate response was "No really!" You see he was covered in grape juice all down the front of his pajamas (because it's all he wants to wear) and he had each sleeve from the elbow down soaked in grape juice and let's not forget the grape mustache! At least he didn't try the,-No, I didn't have any grape juice stuff! Then he says, "Mom does grape juice stain?" I know I must be brain washing my kids! But you see, if it were anything but his pajamas he wouldn't care, but pajamas we have to protect!


somebodysmom said...

Did it stain the precious PJ,s?

Sunni said...

I love David and his pajamas, you know he is going to own his own lounge wear company one day.

Christy Matthews said...

My youngest has her "party pants". I guess boys have party pj's. That's so funny! Tide powder made into a paste can fix almost anything! Good Luck!

riles said...

in davids defense they're the only pants that stay on his...I was going to put bum in there but the poor kid is totally lacking in that area, but not in the cuteness area! that is so funny! oxy clean soak over night works great too! but hey you probably have all the tricks down pat!