Thursday, September 25, 2008


Now really I can deal with a lot of things, but this I just can no longer bear! AHHH I am pregnant and the closest Kneaders is 3 hours away. Seriously what was I thinking, getting pregnant when I am out of Kneaders range. I think my life might just be over!  What in the world am I going to do? I really need a (as Sunni phrased it) special pregnancy sandwich. I'm going to tell you what it is and all of you are going to say "what the CRAP- everything they have at Kneaders and she craves that!" OK- so white bread, extra Kneaders dressing, provolone cheese, ham, avocado and 2 pickle spears on the side. That's it, my special pregnancy sandwich- Oh and don't forget the fresh fruit tart on the side. So just incase any of you are feeling really generous, just jump on a plane, and fly me down a sandwich! I know I'm just dreamin, but can't a girl dream! 


Randi said...

Hey, that actually doesn't sound too bad.
And I might be able to hook you up. I know a guy....

Christy Matthews said...

I know how you feel, it stinks to be out of kneaders range!!!! I for one believe there is no problem that pumpkin bread can't fix. I have been sneaking tiny bits off a loaf I hid in the freezer that I have told no one about--have to make it last awhile until I can get there myself! YUMMMMMY!

Tam said...

I've been trying to get ahold of you (Ashley gave me your wrong #). Dont know if you still dont like Zimi's preschool experience but there is a spot opened at Aliyas.

As far as cravings, I am so sorry. Thats the worst thing about being prego and really wanting something. I could attempt to make you one but I know it'd be nuttin' like the real thing!

Sunni said...

Don't you have some hook ups who could fed ex you one? That really does sound pretty good!!!