Monday, September 15, 2008

The Peterson Variety Show!

We are loving our new ward here in Glendale! Although yesterday we were extremely close to the Peterson Variety Show! You all know one of my callings is leading the music in sacrament, and then my other calling is the Music Chairman, so I have to make sure all the musical numbers are lined up for Sacrament meeting, and early this week the musical number fell through, so it was my turn! And then one of the bishopric called and asked us to speak in church good thing I didn't get to the phone in time! ; ) So no talking, but way too close to the Peterson Variety Show! I sang "I need thee every hour"- it went great, but the most amazing thing was the stories I heard all through church about how that song effected peoples lives throughout their lives. One man shared a time that he was on his mission on an Indian Reservation in South America and he and his companion were in extreme danger, and he said he sang that song constantly for 3 months, it "saved" him! Anyway, then Sean taught the lesson with the priests, I heard he did an amazing job! So basically I am feeling done for a little while! I know we are not, but hopefully we won't have to talk, lead, sing and teach the lesson! 


Sunni said...

You could so pull off the variety show. I'm sorry I missed your song, I love to hear you sing. If I had to fill in for the music number I would plink out twinkle twinkle on my minature keyboard.

Tam said...

Your song was AWESOME! I wont even tell you I've heard better: )!! You cant forget that you were hall monitor as well. Tony informed me that old Blakers was incredibly loud during Priesthood. I told him he easily could have come out and told me rather than making everyone listen to his babbling. Lovely!

somebodysmom said...
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somebodysmom said...

Some days are like that. You are so good.


That is impressive! You have a beautiful voice! I'm sure the people in your ward are loving having you guys there!

Anonymous said...

At least you like to sing! haha. I dont think I would have the nerve. Some times when I think of being more people-ie I think of you. =) You're totally in your element. How is the singing going on the side? did you know my sister is a singer? She's got a lot of connections...let me know if you are interested!