Friday, September 5, 2008

What is it!?!

Last night we (our entire family including Sean) all went to Super WalMart to get the usual. Well first of all I get the "watch out here comes the crazy lady with 3 kids looks" (no biggie I am totally use to it by now) however, I sometimes feel like I am the only one with 3 kids that lives in Arizona, ANYWAY! My kids are usually extremely well behaved, but for some reason with Dad there they were "loosely" in control, but not the way I like to run it. Why do you think that is, even Andrew was acting up? So I pulled out my soap box right there in the dairy section of WalMart and gave my speech! Sean was looking at me like I was crazy! But I think it brought the crowd back under control! It could have been that Sean took 15 minutes trying to pick the perfect cheap lunch meat, which I really appreciated the fact that he was helping (really thank you honey!), but with 3 kids grocery shopping is like the show "Super Market Sweep"! Except if I run the fastest I don't get the $$$$ I pay the money and the kids get the treat- hey how is that fair?


Christy Matthews said...

Ah, the joy of Motherhood--right! I used to get a babysitter every time I went to the store, or I would shop at 11 PM. I can't stand to have my kids act out in public--oh the nasty looks. I always felt better when I had 1 hour of Mommy time even if I was just grocery shopping, and my kids were overjoyed when I got home. Almost that great reception Daddy gets when he comes home.

Randi said...

Supermarket Sweep! Hahaha I never thought of it that way.
Yeah, I prefer to only shop with the kids, or only with Kevin. I rarely mix the two. It's just too much brainpower. (Did that sound insulting? I didn't mean for it to. Just telling ya my opinion.)

somebodysmom said...

It was the happiest time in my life when stores in Utah started being open 24 hours. Can't tell you how many times I was at Macey's at 4am. Actually at that time in the morning the hardest part is finding a checkout stand with an employee manning it.