Monday, October 6, 2008

Conference Edition

What an incredible weekend, I was so touched and inspired by conference. I loved sharing an old family tradition my family did when I was little, with my little family. We made a BIG breakfast, and shared it while we listed to the first session. It was perfect, my D. just loved it, and went back and filled his plate twice (he must have hit a growth spurt). I loved watching him be so excited, and happy- in fact this morning he said he wanted me to make a "BIG yummy breakfast that takes a long time". I can only do a breakfast production a few times a year, so I told him on birthdays and conference I will every time. 
JustRandi hosted a contest over the weekend for that perfect vinyl lettering quote from the LDS General Conference, go check out all the quotes, there are some great ones. Personally my absolute favorite quote (a little too big for a board, but still my fav.) was, "Be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled, will disappear all too soon... and that you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly."  President Thomas S. Monson  
I just burst out crying, because he really does understand my life!! 
In that same Sunday Morning session he said,
 "Find joy in the journey- NOW!" 
"You pile up tomorrows and you'll find you have a lot of empty yesterdays."
 "Make the most of today, the here and now!"
 "Whatever God has blessed you with, take it!"
 "His (Christ) life is a legacy of love."
 "Let us follow him (Christ)." 


Tam said...

I want to know what you made for Breakfast? Whatever it is I bet it was DELICIOUS! Aliya had a ton of fun w/ Zimi. She's talked about it all weekend!

annie valentine said...

I felt the same way about his talk, what a good pre-birthday reminder, right?

Cute family!


annie valentine said...

Oh yeah, my bald hottie just might give yours a run for his money. We should start a club.

TravisandLori said...

These quotes stood out to me too. And the one about doing "hard things." I think it's great how you immediately implement the words from conference into your life! You're cute kids are lucky to have such a great mom!