Thursday, November 20, 2008

Peeing my pants!

Ok, so I always made fun of my sisters and their "tipped" bladders! But today while I was out shopping it happened! No, it's not nearly as bad as I am making it (remember I was born into a family of over exaggerators). So, my cold is all but history- but for some reason I have this cough that just will not go away! UGG it is just drivin' me crazy (my husband is even sleeping in our closet, so I don't wake him up in the night). Just remember you could park a car in our closet so it's not too bad!

 Anyway, back to peeing- so I am in Costco and hustling to get all my stops done before Z. finished preschool (it basically looked like Super Market Sweep- oh that's every shopping trip!) And I had a cough attack- literally I'm sure that is what looked like. Anyway- being well into my 4th month of pregnancy, I have NO bladder control when I cough. So there I am in the electronic section of Costco crossing my legs, having a cough attack, face bright red-cause I can't breath, and my eyes both just watering like crazy, trying to quickly open a cough drop (have you tried to do that while having a cough attack, they should have an emergency button!) 

Anyway, all that to say I wont make fun of my sisters when they cross their legs to laugh, cough or sneeze!  


Randi said...

Well, you know what they say about what goes around....

That's actually why Hannah was so bald for 2 years. I'm pretty convinced it was because I mocked a bald baby once.

TravisandLori said...

Ah, motherhood. Isn't it great what it does to your body? :)

Tam said...

Oh I am so sorry! I only had that happen once and I was mortified. I was preggers w/ Blake, sitting outside w/ Tony when I sneezed. Not too bad except I was wearing gray sweats which showed EVERYTHING. He died laughing as I was changing my clothes. Isnt pregnancy then best!?!

Unknown said...

I'm not pregnant and I still have that problem!! Those babies are sure hard on our bodies aren't they??

Stacey said...

I've had 4 babies and I still have that problem too. I stock up on Poise liners and it helps a little bit.

I'm a fellow Utahn who wandered over from JustRandi's blog. I noticed you have the same quote that I have on my blog. I love President Monson!