Friday, October 10, 2008

Marriage & Helping Texas

Let me get on my soap box for one moment please. (clunk, clunk) OK- I'm ready are you? 
This one is for my family! No really it is! 

There are currently 5 states (that I know) who are voting on making the definition of marriage between a man and a women. I know for sure some of those states are California, Arizona, and Florida. You may say, I don't understand it, isn't there something in place that already protects marriage to be between a man and a woman, and there IS! But if it is not in the states constitution judges (like what happened in California) can over turn that previous decision. So we have now been asked to vote to make the definition of marriage between a man and a woman part of our states constitutions. This current vote, is HUGE- the vote in California alone will determine how some future states will vote. I also think that those who read my blog understand the importance of this vote and event that is going on in our country. Please show support and get out and vote. 

Please help Texas! My sweet sister-in-law grew up in Texas, and her family has be hit HARD by the Hurricane Ike. Most of her family in the area lost EVERYTHING not just some damage, everything that they own is destroyed. I can't imagine having to start all the way over! Dani is trying to do anything she can to help not only her family but the families of other who have been affected. She is putting together care packages, to bring a bright spot to those who receive them. She is also asking people to adopt a family and help in any way you can. Dani has also set up a donation link on her blog, even just a $1.00 would help! We are so blessed to have as much as we do, and sometimes I forget that there are people who are really struggling! You can find out all about what you can do, or to donate go here

I can't remember who said this at General Conference, but someone said the best thing you can do to help someone during a devastating time is pray and listen to what the Lord tells you to do. I loved that! 


Nicole said...


Anonymous said...

You rock Amy!Thanks for helping! It means a lot to me and I'll admit I got a little teary eyed! Thanks again!

somebodysmom said...

Both situations make me really sad. Sometimes life is really hard. I certainly will pray and help in what ever way I can.

Michelle Kay said...

I love your blog! It is fun to see what you are Sean are up to. :) Blogs are great for keeping families close.