Monday, November 17, 2008

No "Good" Medicine Here!

Beware you might need some hand sanitizer after this one, because I have yucky Utah cold! You know the kind, the one weeker, that makes you feel like your head is going to explode. Yup, and you know it- I'm pregs so there is no "good" medicine I can take. So this has me really reconsidering our plans for Christmas! No- I couldn't do with our a week or so of snow! Oh, it's so bad that I misspelled a word, and the auto correct, couldn't even give me a suggestion. I even misspelled misspelled, man I better go lay down before I hurt myself (or I the auto correct)! 


Randi said...

Ugg! I'm so sorry you're sick! Don't give up on your Christmas plans yet, though. You might feel differently in a few weeks.

somebodysmom said...

I am so sad for you. It was probably me. You deserve better. I hope its not what the phone man had. I felt pretty sick for 3 days and then each day better.

Sunni said...

You see? If you'd spend more time here your immune system would build up. Plus the cold is really from your lack of kneaders prego sandwiches. By the way, of course you would choose the 350 lb. pumpkin little miss "go big or go home!"