Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Fuel Gauge

I love my daddy, he is a strong, independent, hard working and a by the book man. He grew up working on the family farm in Grantsville Utah. There are amazing qualities men have that grow up working, and I mean working hard. My daddy knew the answers to all the questions I asked him, and I asked loads of questions! Just ask him about the drive from Utah to Chicago. I remember once my daddy giving me advice, he stopped to fill up his truck with gas, and I noticed he had a half of tank left. "Dad! You don't need gas, you have plenty." I'm sure I threw out there with a little teenaged girl attitude. My dad taught me a lesson that I didn't fully understand until yesterday. He wanted to run on the top half of his tank, the truck will run better, and you'll always be prepared.

Yesterday I found myself on a long drive home, it was a beautiful, warm, blue sky and sunshine day (the kind of day that you know why you moved to Southeast Texas). I watched my fuel gauge slowly sink down to the bottom, and I swear the bottom half goes much faster then the top half. I had spent the morning at a Stake Relief Society meeting, and I was really thinking hard about faith. I finally learned the lesson my daddy was teaching me (whether he knew it or not). We all have a Faith Gauge, and we choose how full we want it to be. Did you hear? We get to choose!

Where is your Faith Gauge? Are we running on fumes seeing how long we can go without refilling, maybe it feels like there is no gas station in sight, are we watching the gauge quickly dropping down to empty, or are we running off the top half? I finally had a deep awareness of my Faith Gauge. Just like my daddy always tried to teach me, if we run off the top half of our tank, we will run better, and we will always be prepared for that moment in our life where our faith is tested, and it will be tested.
Thanks Daddy!


Bridget said...

Awwww, LOVE LOVED this! :)

Jennifer said...

What a great post! I love the analogy.

Rebecca Carter said...

Wonderful analogy Amy! Thanks for sharing these great thoughts. Love you!! All y'all!!!