Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What A Day!

Sometimes in your best attempt to be living like your awake, it feels like something is working sooo hard against you. Today has been a day of freaking out about stupid stuff!! Then I realized nothing was being achieved by me yelling at myself (and i did, the people driving down the road by Wal-Mart got a great show:-) ). Isn't it amazing how much more gets done with a good attitude, and it was the perfect opportunity to teach my sweet Z the power of the mind. I heard this quote along time ago, "People are about as happy as they make their mind up to be". I have loved that quote, and it changes me every time I remember it. I am also so thankful for friends who will laugh at my "stinky" morning! And in retrospect my morning was a test, and I think I got a C overall, next time I will  do better. So keep things in prospective, and let me be the only one who yells at themself today! 

1 comment:

Randi said...

Amy, you're such a good person. I wish I were more like you! But today I'm going to make up my mind for a good day.